Les avantages et les inconvénients du label européen des pneus

Le label européen des pneus figure sur chaque pneu vendu dans l’UE. Il indique des valeurs d’efficacité énergétique basées sur la résistance au roulement des pneus, qui fait que la voiture consomme plus de carburant. Vous pouvez également voir l’adhérence sur sol mouillé, basée sur la distance de freinage, puis le bruit des pneus. Comme […]

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A brief history of biometric technology (Infographic)

Modern biometric technology began around the 1960s, as scientists started identifying the physiological aspects of acoustic speech and phonic sounds. In 1969, the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) pushed for fingerprint identification that led to the study of minutiae points that helped map unique patterns and ridges of fingerprints. In the 1990s, biometric science took

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Stellen Sie Sicher, Dass Ihre Reifen Ausgewuchtet Sind

Das Auswuchten Ihrer Reifen ist etwas, das Sie nicht selbst tun können. Sie müssen Ihre Reifen zum Reifenservice bringen, wo sie Ihre Reifen abnehmen und in eine rotierende Maschine legen, die die Seitenkräfte auf den Reifen misst, die Maschine berechnet was Gewicht sollte hinzugefügt werden, um diesen Kräften entgegenzuwirken und das Rad auszuwuchten. Wenn die

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Window Replacement Vs. Window Tinting: Which is More Economical?

Installing a whole new window for a house or commercial building can often mean large savings over simply replacing an old window, be it an entire window replacement or a section of that window. Window replacement involves having the old windows replaced with new ones, and the old frame and sash replaced. This is done

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What Makes a Fine Looking Custom Made Jewellery? [Infographic]

What is a piece of custom-made jewellery? For those who do not know what custom-made jewellery is, it is an ornament explicitly designed for someone that a person holds dear. It is commonly generated out of gold or precious stones and embellished with different patterns. Say, for example, an engagement ring Philippines exclusively made for a couple

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